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Clinical Sim

Clinical Sim


  • CPR

Advanced fully automatic electronic CPR manikin

Product ID : BIX/CPR480

Price : SAR 1,500

Products Available : 1

Total Number of Products : 1





Carried Standard

AHA (American Heart Association) 2005 guideline for CPR and ECC



  1. Simulation standard open airway,
  2. Artificial hand-position chest  compression
  • Dynamic light indicator: standard compression depth(5-6 cm zone)green light below compression depth (less than 5 cm) yellow light. Above compression depth(more than 6 cm) red light.
  • Digital counter display of correct and wrong compression.
  • Sound prompting of wrong compression and reason

3. artificial respiration(blowing)

  • Inhalation from 500/600 ml to 1000 ml Dynamic light respectively shows the quantity of inhalation volume; standard inhalation volume (500/600ml -1000ml) green light. Above or below inhalation volume, red or yellow light
  • Digital counter display the times of correct and wrong operations
  • Sound prompt

4. The ratio of compression and artificial respiratory: 30: 2 (one or two-person)

5. Operating cycle: One cycle includes five times of 30: 2 ratio of compression and artificial respiratory.

6. Operation frequency: 100 times per minute (the latest international standard)

7. Operation methods: Exercise operation; Examine operation;self-defined operation

8. Operation time:Timing by the unit of second.

9. Sound prompting device: Volume control; Turning on or turning off the sound prompting device

10. Detached Printer: Print operation result

11. Examination of pupil response: Mydriasis and myosis

12. Examination of carotid response: Touch carotid pulse by hand; Simulating spontaneous carotid pulse in compression process; Simulating spontaneous carotid pulse after examine operation.

13. Features: Face skin, cervical skin, chest skin, and hair are made of thermoplastic elastomer and using technique of plastic injection mold with high temperature. The manikin has features of good touch, realistic operation feels.


Standard Equipment:


  1. Advanced full-body CPR manikin 1
  2. Advanced LCD display (1)
  3. Luxury portable plastic box (1)
  4. CPR operation pad (1)
  5. One box of face shield sheets (50 pieces per box)
  6. changeable lung sac (4)
  7. changeable face skin (1)
  8. Temperature sensing print paper (2)
  9. Latest textbook (1)
  10. Guide manual (1)